“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi
Ready to Get Involved? Our parish relies on your gifts of time and talent to help our faith community continue to grow. Learn more about the ministry and service opportunities available in our parish. Once you’ve found the opportunities that seem right for you, complete the Time and Talent Form or contact the parish office for more information.
Altar Server: Assist the priest during Mass. Training is provided. Youth, grade 4 and older, and adults.
Choir Member: Spread God’s love through music at Mass and social celebrations. A commitment to attend practices is important. Training and assistance provided. High school youth and adults.
Extraordinary Minister of Communion: Assist in the distribution of Communion at Mass. Instruction is provided. Confirmed youth and adults.
Mass Facilitator: Ensure assigned liturgical ministers are present before Mass starts. Locate substitutes. Adults.
Musician: Provide accompaniment for music at Masses and other parish celebrations under leadership of parish music director. High school youth and adults.
Presenter of Gifts: Individuals or families present the Offertory gifts at Mass. Those carrying the gifts must be grade 5 and older. Younger family members may accompany the family to the altar.
Reader: Proclaim one of two readings that precede the Gospel at Mass. Personal preparation prior to Mass is necessary. High school youth and adults.
Sacristan: Prepare worship space for Mass by lighting candles, placing sacramental objects in their respectful places, and cleaning the sacred vessels after Mass. Adults.
Usher/Greeter: Welcome and seat people, take up collection, assist with presentation of offertory gifts and communion, distribute bulletins. Lead usher serves as coordinator of the scheduled team at Mass. Youth grade 5+ and adults.
Liturgical Decorating: Develop the look of our worship and gathering spaces during the seasons of the Church year (Christmas, Easter, Ordinary Time). Decorate with appropriate materials and plants and tend plants throughout the season. Coordinator: Adults. Team: Youth grade 5+ and adults.
Liturgical Laundry: Launder and press liturgical items needed for Mass. Adults.
Live Streaming: Assist with production of our weekly Livestream of Sunday Mass. Training provided. High school youth and adults.
Minister of Care: Distribute Communion to parishioners and other Catholics who are sick and homebound or living in nursing homes. Training provided. Confirmed youth and adults.
Money Counting: Work with Finance Council to count offertory collections after Sunday Mass. Teams alternate and count about every 4 to 6 weeks. Training provided. Adults.
Adult Faith Formation: Lead faith formation classes, book studies, or small groups for adults. Adults.
Children’s Faith Formation (PSR): Lead faith formation classes for children pre-K through high school. Prepare lesson plans with curriculum provided. Classes are held after Mass on Sunday from September to May. Virtus training required. Teacher/Substitute: Adults. Assistant: High school youth and adults.
Children’s Liturgy: Lead a brief lesson for children grades 1 to 3 during Sunday Mass. Children dismiss from sanctuary to a separate room. Curriculum provided. Virtus training required. Leader: Adults. Assistant: Youth grade 5+ and adults.
RCIA: Guide Candidates and Catechumens through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.
Team: Facilitate RCIA meetings, sharing faith experiences with Candidates and Catechumens as they learn about the Catholic faith. Not required to attend all meetings. Training provided. Adults.
Sponsor: Share the faith journey of a Candidate (baptized adults) or Catechumen (unbaptized adults). Encouraged to attend classes, retreats, and prayer and penance services. Training provided. Adults.
Vocations Team: Lead opportunities that foster a culture of vocation. Encourage parishioners to develop the skills to discern their vocation and provide resources about religious vocations, sacramental marriages, and single life. Adults.
Youth Ministry Team: Plan and implement age-appropriate social, spiritual and service opportunities for high school, junior high or grades 4-6. Training and resource tools provided. Virtus training required. Adults.
* Virtus training is the Diocese’s safe environment program required for ministries that work with children
Eucharistic Adoration: Sign up for a recurring 30 to 60-minute monthly adoration commitment. Adoration is held the third Wednesday after evening Mass. High school youth and adults.
Prayer Network: Pray for those in need. Prayer requests emailed from parish office. High school youth and adults.
Rosary Leader: Lead parishioners through the Rosary before Saturday or Sunday Mass. High school youth and adults.
Newsletter Team: Plan, write stories and publish the parish newsletter. High school youth and adults.
Photography Team: Shoot photos at parish events for use on website, Facebook and in printed materials. High school youth and adults.
Ave Maria Rosary Guild: Make rosaries for overseas missions. Instruction provided. Guild coordinator mails rosaries and teaches new members. Meetings only as needed. Youth grade 5+ and adults.
Card Ministry: Send cards to parishioners in nursing homes and homebound. Youth grade 5+ and adults.
Community Outreach: Coordinate outreach programs and events that help our local and worldwide community. Adults.
Loving Stitches Quilters: Create patchwork comforters and quilts for donating to local charities. Prior quilting or sewing knowledge not necessary. High school youth and adults.
Prayer Shawl/Blanket Ministry: Knit or crochet prayer shawls, baby blankets or lap blankets to be blessed and given to those who are sick or in the hospital/nursing home. Work on your own time or meet monthly for fellowship. Youth grade 5+ and adults.
Funeral Dinners: Plan meal hosted after parishioner funerals. Coordinator works with family to determine meal, time, and size. Team sets up, serves and cleans up. Food providers prepare food to be served at the meal. Adults.
Parish Events: Plan parish-wide events such as Parish Anniversary, St. Francis Feast Day, Easter Egg Hunt, etc. that build fellowship in our parish and Nixa community. Coordinator: Adults. Team: High school youth and adults.
Penance Dinners: Plan meal for visiting priests prior to parish penance service. Coordinator oversees team members who set up, serve and clean up penance dinners. Food providers prepare food to be served. Adults.
Receptions/Special Events: Plan receptions or special events such as First Communion, graduation, priest celebrations, etc. Coordinator oversees team members who set up, serve and clean up receptions. High school youth and adults.
Sunday Coffee: Set up community room before 9:30 a.m. Mass, serve coffee and donuts to parishioners after Mass, and clean community room afterward. Coordinator: Adults. Team: High school youth and adults.
Sunday Donut Hero: Pick up donuts for Sunday coffee and donuts gathering. High school youth and adults.
Welcoming Team: Plan and lead activities that welcome new parish members. High school youth and adults.
Church Cleaning: Parishioners work in small teams to clean the church once every 6 to 8 weeks. Duties include vacuuming, dusting, cleaning restrooms, changing holy water, etc. Coordinator purchases supplies as needed. Youth grade 5+ and adults.
Indoor Maintenance: Maintain interior church and rectory facilities per code, conduct general repairs and ensure a safe environment. High school youth and adults.
Outdoor Maintenance: Maintain church and rectory exterior and grounds to meet city codes and ensure a safe environment. Duties include weeding, mowing, trimming trees and shrubs, outside building repairs, etc. High school youth and adults.
Three Advisory Councils act as consultative bodies to our pastor. Members are elected or appointed by the pastor. More information contact the respective Council Chair or the parish office if you are interested in becoming involved in one of these Councils.
Parish Pastoral Council
Finance Council
Stewardship Council
Local Outreach organizations are available to serve our community. Contact them to get involved or if seeking assistance.